Sunday, May 16, 2010

Random Thoughts

x y graph => if then graph

Superhero - [Ethnicity]-Man - Powers - Exaggerated cultural traits - Psych Limitation - Enraged when unfairly stereotyped - e.g. Irish-Man, on hearing someone say that the Irish are hot headed, represses his perfectly normal, non-Irish anger, kissing his crucifix and buys the man a drink...then pulls out his harp and sings a song...

A superhero or one's sidekick - Target Man, taunts enemy and is really, really tough. Costume has a big bullseye on it giving enemies a bonus on attacks.

Use cross ethnic and cross class references for cognitive dissonance - e.g. Julius Caesar was not Obama. Julius Caesar was the Godfather, and the Army were his hitmen! Therefore Brutus stabbing Caesar was not analogous to McCain stabbing Obama.

One minute explanation vs one sentence explanation vs five minute explanation...or sentence v paragraph v essay or page...

"Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan." -- John F. Kennedy

Steven Hawking: "There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based onauthority, [and] science, which is based on observation and reason.Science will win because it works."

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