Friday, January 30, 2015

A Story


Behind a desk in a luxurious penthouse office sat the Businessman.  He reclined while contemplating his expensive leather office chair.  With a satisfied smirk he realized "This is my throne.  I rule the world!" He laughed aloud at the thought.


From outside the room came the sound of two voices arguing.  A harsh male voice shouted angrily as the Businessman's secretary protested feebly.  Then came the sound of a brutal slap and the woman screamed in pain and shock.  Her outraged and frightened sobs came next followed by the door slamming open.  Into the room walked the Warrior.  He wore full military camoflauge and had a long fighting knife strapped to his right thigh.

The Businessman smiled weakly.  "Hello, my friend.  What brings you here without an appointment?"

"Ha! I need no appointments you fool.  I go where I please when I please" replied the Warrior, leaning forward menacingly.

"Your people won't get far if they can't afford food, fuel and ammunition, you know that.  Be sensible" he said, squirming uncomfortably with a fixed smile on his face.

The bigger man snarled. "I don't need you.  I proved it in Russia and I proved it in China.  And look at Syria! My people take what they want by the sword and gun.  We don't need you."

The point was made, however, and the Warrior stopped glowering.  "I want you to buy weapons for the Ukraine.  Good stuff.  We need to escalate the situation there.  Do it now.  If the weapons don't arrive immediately my people will raze all that 'private property' you love so much.  Russian weapons, German, American, Chinese, all of the above...get it to the Ukraine!  You have a week." The Warrior strode out.

"He is so obnoxious sometimes.  But the arms industry is so profitable...hmmm.  I know just who to call." The Businessman reached for the telephone.


"Don't ask her why she needs to be so free...she'll tell you it's the only way to be..."

She hummed to herself as she gazed over the Atlantic sadly.  Slavery! Openly practiced! Slavery had never stopped, and the Free Spirit had always worked to end it.  But now it was increasing again despite her efforts.  Tears streamed down her face as she called out across the water silently...come here to America!

Then the phone rang.

"Oh, it's you.  What do you want? Weapons? Why should I sell you anything? Ukraine? So the Russians are oppressing the people there? Have you considered that maybe Kiev is doing the oppressing?

I want you to work with me in Iraq and Africa. Then I will consider your request.  Yes, I agree, France will be pivotal to this, bless them. And so will your agents in Arabia.

Don't even consider dealing in slaves as you did before.  I am not one to trifle with."

The Free Spirit hung up the phone.


His distinctive helmet was the first part of him to be seen as he crested the peak of the mountain early in the morning.  From so high above the world looked like a beautiful map rendered in wonderful 3D computer graphics.

He tugged on the rope he held in his left hand and his boat came bouncing up the rocks behind him.  The beginnings of rivers flowed down the mountain and the sky had never looked so lovely, as though painted by the Divine.

He tossed his boat into the water and stepped in.  The sunlight shone ahead of him as he began the exhilarating ride at breakneck speed, his noble eyes searching for injustice everywhere he went.

It was not long before he came to the battlefield in the ancient land his family ruled so long ago.  Now it was a warzone and it was his duty, as the Lawman, to watch and make sure the Laws were honored.

As he moved through the water he saw a familiar face.  The Warrior, his camoflauge soaked in blood, rode on a fire red motorcycle (unless the red was blood over something else) which roared and belched flame like some kind of mechanized steed from Gehenna.  In his left hand he wielded an AK47 and in his right, his long knife.  His wheels screamed as he cut down people with bullets and blade, grinning like a crazed fool.

The Warrior's gaze met the Lawman's and he held up his dripping crimson blade in a sort of mocking salute before turning back to his savage work.

Dropping the assault rifle, the Warrior pointed into the sky, then to the ground.  Like a meteor from the Heavens an object slammed into the ground where he pointed and exploded.  Grinning, the Warrior repeated his gesture, and another artillery shell landed.  But instead of exploding, this one began to emit some kind of horrible gas.

The Lawman saw this and frowned.  He patted his weapon absentmindedly as he considered his options and drifted along.


Far away, a beautiful woman contemplated the foreigners' Day of Love.  She revelled in love, but her family were angry about the holiday, simply because it was foreign. Perhaps, she thought to herself, our people could use the foreigners' own tradition to seduce them.

"We will perform marriages on that day, marriages that will bring the outsiders into our tribe.  Then our people will certainly thrive and we can put this silly rivalry to rest."

The Seductive Wife smiled to herself.  "This will be fun!"


The King woke with a clang.  He could hear revelry not far away as men  celebrated a successful hunt.  The breeze brought the smell of roasted meat...a barbeque!

His belly rumbled.  "I haven't had good roasted meat in a long time! It smells delicious."

Fortunately the hosts of the barbecue  welcomed him and the King fed his massive appetite.  The meat was more tough than he preferred but it was still wonderful.

"Very tasty.  Thank you, friends, for the meal."

The King went back to sleep.


One strangely magical Friday, before a sacred Saturday, the Blessed Lady of Mercy visited a sick old woman and tended to her illness.  She chose this day because of the many layers of symbolism and power.  Her work was never done, and she was ceaselessly vigilant.  Her eyes watched the streets and her ears listened to the people of the streets.  So many people suffered, and she helped them end the pain.  For that she was honored and loved.




Matriarch's Pet remains where she put him...


9. the arms of the Spinning Man, who spins Matriarch's Pet around...and...around...and...around...


The Provider of Food sighed, sadly, as he gazed upon the city on the beach.

"That land, that city, used to belong to me, so long ago..."

It made his old heart ache to remember how he was treated when they took it from him.  But still he provides for their tables.  He is not angry anymore, or even bitter.  But he is sad.


The Maritime Herald wandered slowly with his boys following behind.  His service instrument hung unused at his side as he pointed with his weapon at the Provider of Food.

"Did you hear that, boys? Those people in those cities refuse to respect us.  They dishonor that noble old man over there, who brings the food they live on.  They dishonor my father.  They dishonor our family.  It makes me very angry. Something needs to be done."

"Send them a message."

He gave the most senior among them a long look and a curt nod.  Then he looked away.


The Herald's Boys moved with purpose, looking for trouble, confident.  This was their territory.

They spotted a boat and headed for it.  The one with the sharpest eyes scanned the vehicle, trying to identify the occupants.

"That's them! Do it!" he finally whispered.

The Herald's Boys moved in silently.  They quickly capsized the boat, submerging the unwary occupants.

Then they got their hands dirty and made sure the occupants stayed submerged.  For the honor of their family.

"This will make the news tonight" one commented.  Another snickered.


His foe had been overthrown by the Communists.  This gave the Soaring Cloak confidence.  The Communists were no friends of his but in their folly they had allowed him to grow stronger.

With no opponent in China, he could act freely.

He decided to send a message, and he struck.  The ship, full of people celebrating, was struck unawares.  The Soaring Cloak grinned as he saw the formerly happy people screaming in terror.


Elsewhere, the Beast in the Corn roared savagely.  It took revenge on the foreigners to the north, striking from above and hurling them into the sudden, raging waters.  They thought the Beast had been driven off, but recent days had made it strong again.  Snarling, with eyes bugging out it gazed over the Gulf that it ruled.  The northerners would regret their disrespect.

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