Sunday, March 28, 2010

How To Be A Survivalist 5/11/10 Revision


I've read that one should not construct a bunker ahead of time, but rather keep the supplies needed to build one when needed.

Original Post:

Have a few firearms (especially rifles) and plenty of ammo. In the US .223 is the "standard" calibur for combat because of the large amount of highly effective 5.56mm military ammo out there. Other places the 7.62mm AK bullet seems to be standard. Keep them locked up so it's hard to get into them; only the trained and capable adults can get to them. A .50 BMG rifle can be useful for stopping cars if you are the type of family that can handle such things safely. Shotguns are good too. They don't penetrate walls and need less skill - and are more intimidating. Lots of canned foods. Stored fuels - gasoline, propane, etc. General purpose and automotive tools. How-to books. Maps of the building and immediate neighborhood. Supplies of grain are good. The Viet Cong used to put rice in hoses, fill them with water and seal them up for emergency food supplies. Get to know the people around. Learn who the tough guys and the criminals nthe neighborhood are. Learn who has weapons and their temperament. Get Radios and walky talkies and LOTS of extra batteries. Build a bunker if you can afford it in your basement. Make sure you're aware of all possible home entrances and have a habit of checking them all. Know ways to block some of them off in case you need to make the house a fort. If you own the house, you could even think about putting something on or in the walls to block bullets. Get a large rainwater cistern with two screens on top for mosquitos. The second screen is for redundancy. Have a plan for soaking down your roof in case of fire nearby, including if the water gets cut off. Keep fire hazards away. Be prepared for local disasters, e.g. earthquakes in CA, or tornadoes in Kansas. Have cash available, but know that informal cash might be more useful e.g. packs of cigarettes, containters of fuel, bags of grain, etc. Have an automobile or two that is easy to fix without all that electronic stuff. Have first aid kits and other medical supplies.

Learn how to hunt and gather in your environment. In inner city Los Angeles opportunities are plentiful though gross and risky for disease.

First, you can steal/scavenge/loot food from stores and stuff. But if desperate, there are pigeons, rats, roaches, trash cans...


First posted by me at

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